02 December 2011

The Part About Life aka The Vortex.

I was warned. ‘What ever you do, don’t get stuck in the vortex!’ they would say. Or maybe it was ‘Welcome to the vortex’. Either way, I don’t see myself as stuck…..yet. There are many though trying to keep me here. Do I swim against the immense pulling force, or just go with it and enjoy the ride?

So, by the ‘vortex’, I mean the every day attraction of life here in Natimuk. I’ve been here just over 2 weeks now and I am finding that it is sort of like Fight Club. The first couple of rules “YOU DON NOT TALK ABOUT FIGHTCLUB (Natimuk)” seem to prevent people from knowing exactly what it is or who is in it. This only becomes evident upon entrance to the club and immersion in the life. But just like Fight Club, once it has you, it’s hard to see yourself anywhere else.

My days so far involve a fairly interesting job in a soil science lab at the DPI in Horsham performing all sorts of evil, maniacal experiments in chemical weaponry. I also test soils for their phosphorous concentrations. With aircon, regular coffee breaks and a workload typical of a government run operation i.e. slow and small, and the chance for me to indulge in my fondness for chemistry, this should be a pretty good way to earn a crust over the summer.

Afternoons are spent either climbing at the mount or going over to someones’ place for dinner and socialise. It was pretty cool to head out after work last week, knock out 3 pitches in a couple of hours, and be home by 8:30pm to cook dinner and put back a couple of beers. It’s sort of overwhelming when it comes to deciding what to climb now that it’s so close. If I were to come out for a weekend, I would know before I even left Melbourne the routes I was going to do/try, and would stick to that plan. But now, with so many routes 5 minutes down the road and ample opportunities to climb them, I can’t make up my mind what to do!

I’m pretty lucky to be renting a room from Gareth Llewellin. A top notch guy from QLD, and a proper socialite I must say. Through him and Marissa, I think I’ve met most of the climbers in town in the first week! Also staying here is Douglas Hockley, which was a funny surprise because I was climbing with Douglas in Melbourne way back in 2005.

But no matter how convenient the climbing is, how social the people are here, and the fact that I am actually doing a job with a sense of purpose for once, there are still times I yearn for Melbourne. To be sitting in the back yard at the folks place having a chin wag with mum and dad. Beers with mates on Brunswick St. I miss the people. And if I think hard about it, it’s the small moments with them I miss the most. The grind of the week, the traffic, the sensory overload of the city, all cancelled out by a few hours with friends and family. It was a pretty amazing year for me. A huge turn around from the dark place I was in last year. I had some pretty special people in my life over the year, new and old. They all helped me create a happier and healthier existence for myself. Something one can never forget, or begin to pay back.

So here I sit, on the edge of the vortex. On the one hand, everyday is one of peace and calm. Great people, friendly vibe, and awesome climbing just down the road. On the other hand, my friends and family back in Melbourne. The jury is still out as to where I will land. 

Good times with Joshy before leaving Melbourne.

I miss great moments of joy like this with my mates.

Dark, moody blues rock at the Nati Cafe on a Friday night.

My humble abode.
- TheBigAl

The Part About Climbing aka Frothing Like Someone Who Has Rabies.

BUT! This is a climbing blog too, so I guess I shouldmention some climbing stuff. With the car loaded I rolled out of Sunbury headedfor southern Gramps to meet up with Arnie and Saunders and co. Arnie had beenraving about this new bouldering cave he had found and I was keen as mustard tocheck it out. However a late departure time from Melbourne and long drive around the top meantI got to the car park just as the two of them had walked out. With Arnies “pisseasy” directions I headed off in search of the cave, but ended up gettinghopelessly lost for a couple of hours. The good part about this though was thatI found another big, steep cave of solid rock and outstanding potential forsome good, hard bouldering. It was nice to finally get a win in the search fornew bouldering. I have become a little bit tired of bush bashing into chosscaves or blank walls.

 I did eventually findArnies cave getting up a couple of the problems, and the following weekendreturned with Simon, Christof, Jules and their respective families for prettyfun day. This cave is a pretty amazing feature, with long, steep roof problems,on great rock, all topping out. Perfect!

Last week I managed to finish up an old route I tried a fewyears ago called The Great Escape, 28.In a little gully around the corner from Punks, I managed to fall off a move ortwo from the top twice before snagging it. The top entails some awesomeArapiles wrestling, knee-barring and body shuffling up a bit of a corner. Notso much hard moves, but what a workout! I love those sorts of routes.

Simon and I also had a day on Phils route ‘Rhythmic Pumper’,where I pumped off twice at the crux at the last bolt, but Simon crushed it onhis 6th shot of the day with some new beta. Top route Philby. sureto become a classic.

So what else. It was a bit hard to find partners this week. Tuesdayheaded out to a route/boulder/traverse Gareth showed me that was done by DaveJones and used by a few of the locals for training. This rising, overhungtraverse goes for about 15-18 meters slanting up at 45 degrees and slightlyoverhanging, with the ground following you up. Its probably about grade 25, anda great way to get fit on your own.

And yesterday (Thursday) I went back out there with old mateBrendan Abernathy to try some new boulders I found. In an afternoon I put up 3new problems. Spunk Bubble, V6, starts in a roof and pulls a cruxybulge to top out a good 10 meters up on a fun easy headwall. Judge Mental, V7, takes the left edge ofthis amazing steep prow, while The Lone Deranger, V8, takes a right hand line of the prow, and could possibly beharder, the shorter you are. It’s steep, wide spanning sloper slappinggreatness. The line through the middle of the prow will be proper hard, butwill be a fucking classic!

So that’s it really. I’ll just leave you with some photosfrom the last few weeks of things. It’s Friday, so it’s down to the cafĂ© fordinner, beers, socialise and then climbing tomorrow!

Arnie in a rare moment tied into a rope.

Busting the first move in the roof (Yes! Roof bouldering at Arapiles) on Spunk Bubble, V6. 

The bulge crux of Spunk Bubble, V6

Brendan looking to squeeze his guts out on the 2nd ascent of Judge Mental, V7

The burly double underclings of Judge Mental, V7 

Fridge hugging sloper action on The Lone Deranger, V8.

- TheBigAl

07 November 2011

Movin' and Shakin'

So its November. Winters done and dusted. Primo bouldering is out the window. And for me, schools out, for summer. After stringing together a couple of good months bouldering and feeling fitter, the looming end of semester assignments and exams got the better of me and low and behold I slithered away out of the light of humanity and buried myself in books. For the last say, 6 weeks, I've been hit with vicious hayfever, flu like virus and general I-can't-be-fucked-ness while grinding out the last of my school work. Happy to say however that first year is done and dusted and its back to happy days and socialising!

Big news is that I'm moving to Natimuk for the summer. I was very fortunate to get a job with the DPI Soil Science division in Horsham assisting in the lab with chemical analysis of soils. OK so that may sound as fun as paint drying to most, but to me its a pretty sweet gig after having completed only first year chemistry. So in a couple of weeks from now I'll be relocated and calling Arapiles my local crag, hiding away in the shady gullies over summer.

Joshy and I were out at Gramps too for a couple of days on the long weekend. Driving up late Monday arvo, we got all dressed up for the Halloween party at the campground. Needless to say we both got a bit wild, most likely embarrassing ourselves infront of strangers, but hey, since when do either of us give a shit about that sort of thing!

Who's up for a bit of the old ultra-violence then hey?
Arse-Pirate Will!
All kids love clowns, right?
This kid was an egg beater I think. Probably should have beaten him with eggs instead.
On a side note, I would just like to remind any of the 7 people that read this blog, to take a look at our pal Simons blog, http://blockmonster.blogspot.com/. Arnie is definitely the most prolific boulderer I know, and without him there would be a great less enthusiasm in the scene. I would single him out as my biggest inspiration in climbing. Always motivated, generous, enthusiatic, he is a bona-fide frother! Just don't challenge him to fooseball or table tennis.

So, with the temperature rising, the sun shining, the days getting longer and chicks skirts getting shorter, summer is on its way back again. Summer means stinking hot, dusty days in the campground, dogging routes in the cool of the gullies, icy beers and BBQ's, and music festivals. Ahhhhh, its festival season again......

- TheBigAl

03 October 2011

Rhythmic Pumper

A quick little vid of my new route.

29 September 2011

Douchebag of the Month - September

'Allo 'allo,

It is time for this month's coverted 'Douchebag of the Month' award. It has been ages since we have handed this one out, last being Gay Dave a couple years.

Without much futher ado, the award goes to.......................................

Big Al!!!

Nice one mate, we new you had it in you all along. You had this one in the bag when you stylishly (as always), ditched your car in a ravine. Oh should I say put your car in a ditch while driving out from the ravine.

Either way you put it, Al was bogged good and proper. With no practical way out, Al managed to wave down a passing farmer using only the whites of his upper thighs. Thank goodness most olive farmers are quite partial to such delights. Next morning the Suby was pulled out by a Big Tractor and a 30 meter snatch strap. OH how homoerotic!

Check out Al's pictures below. xxx

These boys didn't get the 'Smoke is Bad' Memo!

Yeah, Al's car is so bogged it has started growing roots!!

- Grosey

26 September 2011

Just Another Blogpost

Welcome back to another installment of the CoC blog, sure to be a brilliantly biased blurb coupled with belittling banter, henceforth to be besieged by bitching bitches who wouldn’t know a brontosaurs from a bullfrog and spend all their time bantering like buffoons with a mouth full of ballsack in internet forums... For the record: 8a=29=HVSexplanation=5.13dx^2 x 45% of your vertical height/BMI ratio...
Moving on.

After yet another controversial blog post by the man with no brain-to-mouth filtering mechanism, I felt I better keep this one simple. There has been a fair bit happening over the past few weeks. Spring has arrived, the days are slowly warming up and there seems to be more and more people in the campgrounds. I like to call them the “fair weather climbers”. You know the type, they only get away when the temp is between 18-25 degrees, with a light south-south westerly breeze, no more than 45.875654% humidity and their horoscope tells them that they are living a life less ordinary wanking away on plastic in the gym.

The reason I bring this up is that I recently competed in my first ever comp. I finished equal 4th and was pretty happy with that. I can’t say I overly enjoyed the experience, if anything at least I had a decent training session. I think I’ll stick with route setting in future, way more fun! What astounded me though were the results. There were a lot of very strong climbers in the comp, but I rarely, if ever, see these guys out on the rock. I have to admit, watching the eventual winner of the comp literally hike his way up everything he tried, I sat there pondering what I could do with all that power? How much easier would my project feel if I could simply hang the crux hold with one hand? I wonder if I could trade him something for it seeing as he really isn’t using it? Would my old Sega master system cut it? With great power comes great responsibility Peter Parker, so god dammit use that power and go crush some shit on real rock!!

What I am trying to say is; there are a lot of super talented climbers in Melbourne who seem to only climb in the gym. Now, I am not an old timer by any means, but I remember when I started climbing there were people climbing every single weekend of the year. Freezing cold, pissing rain, 45 degrees and 98% humidity, it didn’t matter. People were just psyched to get on the rock. These days, the Melbourne climbing scene seems to have disappeared and the number of people who are psyched to head away on the weekends is a low as I can remember. It’s time people, get out of the gym, get on the blocs, get on the sharp end, take some falls and enjoy the privilege we have here in Victoria with access to some of the best climbing in the world. You might just come to realise the amazing experiences you are missing out on.

Speaking of real rock, here is some cool stuff that has happened in the past few weeks.

Tassie lad Mark Polinski was in the gramps recently leaving with a haul bag of ticks, sending routes up to 29 including a nice flash of Venom (28) and swag of boulders up to V10.

The D’laide crew have been busy on the blocs also. Big Bad Bilbo Baggins has been putting his 6’12” 250Kg frame to good use sending 100 Pound Club (V10), Race Eater Original, the cop couldn’t make it and collision course (all V9). The second strongest midget ever to visit the Grampians (after Logan Barber) JT, has been in good form also, sending Krusty and Annagrama (both V9). The enigma that is John Smith, AKA Redanon, dispatched the “Impossible, it will never go, F%$k this problem, piece of $hit” Rodeo Girl (v7/8) and the seldom repeated critical mass (V8).

The man, the myth, the cripple; Arnold Wheeler is quickly recovering from a full knee reconstruction. Knocking over a host of repeats up to V9 including a crag tick of Alby’s new Jungle Boulder. He was last seen doing some extreme top roping at Spurt wall. Pete “The Raven” Reynolds, strong as always sent the 3 star Butchers choice (V10) also. Now if we can just get him up Iceberg! Ash Hendy must be psychic and have read my mind last week, a long time gym crusher, she was last seen cruising Dial a Lama (24) and putting the draws on pretty much every route a spurt wall. Great to see her having a crack!

Still waiting to hear some news from the recent rockstar invasion, but heard on good authority that Alby’s classic “The Eagles Nest” (V8) finally got a repeat. Suspicion about the grade is rising as it seems that unless you can boulder V15 (a-la Nalle howestrongisthatkunt), it’s impossible.

The crag kids team AKA the “Red-Caps” comprising Toby Polcap and the Kent “Red duck” Paterson have also been firing. The duck sent Serpentine packing last weekend and also cleaned up the last of his VD land projects. They also made a coup ascent of the classic Archimedes principle (26). Toby polcapper has clearly been eating too many pies as he managed to completely rip of the finishing dyno flake on Le petit mort at the Gallery, nearly severing his leg in the process.

As for me, I am proving myself to be the king of the “almost Send” at the moment. Over the weekend I managed to fall of the last hard move of both Fabios Route (29) and my soon to be classic Mt Zero project Rhythmic Pumper (Probably 29). As frustrated as I was, I know I have to stay positive, after all, I got a new highpoint on both routes, refined some beta and I know they will both go down soon. It’s just a matter of time. In the meantime it’s back to the gym, but only until the weekend.

See you out there!

20 September 2011

Still here....

G'day dear readers. Again it's been some time since my last post. I know that you have been logging in here over the past couple of months. Eager to read more of about what has been going on in our little world, yet signing out only partly satiated. My apologies.....I have been otherwise occupied.

Philby, only a few days ago sent me a text message. This is not all that unusual, however the content of said message made me feel a little uneasy. I had been reminded of my lack of CoC posts of late and in particular the omission of a promised trip report from my adventure in Rocklands. My enlightenment was slightly soured by the realisation I had been back in Melbourne for close on 6 weeks, and in this time had done little more than work and drink too much alcohol.

Why had I not been climbing? Why had I not posted any news of my trip?

Well I can partly answer these two questions with the one response. At the end of my trip in South Africa, 3 days before I was to fly back to Melbourne, I sustained a trip ending injury. I was attempting a problem called El Corazon, made famous by D. Woods FA on the Progression video. Long story short (short story long in upcoming report) I completely  ruptured the A4 pulley of my right ring finger. Before you mumble away doubting the injury as it is an unlikely ligament to strain/rupture, I have the pain and scans to prove it. Not to mention the audible popping 10 of us heard on the day. This injury has since been cause to stay away from climbing for a while. I was in top shape, climbing well I thought, so it was a cruel end to an otherwise awesome trip. This hiatus also included inter web dwelling (of the climbing kind - porn is still fine) and hence had not bothered to write anything up.

The second part of my response is a little more contentious and directly relates to why I have avoided a blog that I hold dear. Not long before I travelled overseas, I had posted an update of my past 12 months or so. If you didn't read it, think of it as an '80's style teen montage, where the dorky would be hero paints his billy cart and lubes up the hubs before impressing the girl etc etc. In this post, I made mention of my training schedule that had helped before the State Titles and preparing for Rocklands. While not a supreme athlete in any sense of the word, some people may have found what I was talking about of interest. Perhaps this is because not a lot of Melbourne climbers have any idea about structured training, or it could be the fact I have great hair and look good without a shirt on.....I'm at a loss.

Either way, I mentioned that I had been traveling down to Bayside Rock in Carrum, a trip that takes up to 90 minutes if I leave from work where I had already been for 10 or more hours. Crazy perhaps, but all for good reasons that have since been removed from my entry while I was away. I am not going to repeat what I wrote at that time verbatim, there is no point. However what I did do was to critique a gym in Melbourne that I have had a long standing relationship with; being involved in its construction, an employee and ultimately spending countless hours training there. I use the word 'gym' but I could easily substitute it with "product", "service" or "brand", all terms loaded with a sense of public exposure. My critique was of the end result the public can utilise, and NOT as some may have believed a personal attack on the owner of said gym.

That said I will not apologise for opinions that I have more than once expressed personally to this particular individual as both employee and later as a customer. In fact the idea these opinions, which I made public so as to help improve the gym, have caused such a stir propels me to stand by them all the more. If the creators or owners of products and services did not value public opinion and as an extension criticism there would be no need for online surveys, product testing and other forms of market research. They know the importance of feedback, both the good and the bad. For without this information, their products or services cannot hope to be improved, or to meet standards held by the public.

As you may have gathered, and individual took this feedback of their gym (a public entity) as slander, as though it was a personal attack. As a result I have been informed (by a 3rd party) that I'm no longer welcome at this gym - I hadn't trained there in perhaps 12 months anyway. It also caused enough consternation among the members of the A-Team still in Melbourne, that it was deemed necessary to remove the blaspheming material. This my dear friends was rather off putting and may be why I have been hesitant to blog of late. Phil and Al were only minimising the damage potential, however this throws mud in the face of why we had a blog in the first place......to have a laugh, share our views of the Melbourne scene, enlighten the public of news that goes under the radar and of course, stir up shit. I dont remember awarding Gay Dave the Douchebag of the Month for falling out of a cheatbar because of calf failure being deemed an offence or a personal attack. Yes more tongue in cheek than my opinions of a gym, but far more personal.
Alas I am rambling and ranting.......maybe I'm just getting back into the groove.

So back to the present. I will endevour to read through a journal I kept from my Rocklands trip and once I have digested that I will post up some sort of rant about how good it was. It was really fucking awesome by the way. It will be another month or so before I am going to consider testing the finger out.In the mean time might start hitting the kettlebell and rings, break out the drill and bolts and get back into it. Or I could just have another beer.

In other news, Dave Graham and Nalle HowthefuckIspellhisnameAL? were in the Grampians. Awesome. I didn't meet them or chase them around like a star fucker puppy dog either. That all said, I'm very impressed that they did some significant walking and exploring in search of new boulders. Hopefully the projects they completed and found can spur on the Melburn Massive a little this spring. Rowan 'Rosey' Druce has taken some time off work, and has been in the Grampians of late. He has bouldered up a storm, repeating some of Al's, stating they are some of the best in the area. Most notable of his trip though was a repeat of PUNKS INTHA GYM 32......Awesome work mate!! Another local mutant, James Kassay has repeated the WHEEL OF LIFE V16, This is highly off tap if I can continue in my now excited spray gangsta talk. James is now the 4th person to sign his name in the leather bound book at the cave's exit. Some may say 'its about time' I say shut up that thing is hard, and I took him a lot of physical and I dare say mental effort. Those things get done when they are ready, not when they are about time.....does that make sense? If not that is okay with me as I'm now cross eyed and ready for bed. Nice work Jimmy K - make sure you keep an eye out for his new underwear line coming to an arse near you.

Peace out -


08 September 2011

Another one

Easter Bouldering Vid

Thought I'd upload this here for those who missed it on facebook.

05 September 2011

Spring has arrived!

Well! What a stretch of fantastic weather it has been! All of last week I awoke to beautiful blue skies and gallahs screeching away at Stapylton Campground. Each morning I would rouse from my car, put on the coffee, and smile. I pretty much had 7 days of this, aside from one cold cloudy morning and one night spent at Arnies Acres. I wont bore you with every minor details of the week as each day was something different, be it sending some new boulders, trad climbering while Josh was bolting, bush bashing and exploring or spending a great day with rad people climbing easy sport routes at the Sun Deck. Every day was a fresh injection of a different reason to go climbing. Damn it sucked when the week came to a close.

Anyway, my time away was spent with some pretty cool people at various points. Joshy and our mate Tim Nelson came up for a couple of days of taking photos and hanging out to begin with. Arnie made an appearance too camping with us for a couple of nights. 6 weeks after a knee reconstruction and the old master is already back out climbing. We both had a lovely day out at the Sun Deck climbing a whole heap of suprisingly fun sport routes. Each route when climbed was proclaimed to the pick of the day, until the next one was. Joining us were some awesome folk from Sydney. Ren and Meg, and Rowan and Jules. It was a pleasure to get to share coffee in the mornings and beer of an evening with these guys for the week. Old mate May and new mate Blake rolled into Ararat on the bus for a few days, then ole' blighty Tom Haigh appeared at the end of the week.

I finished off a couple of projects at the new boulder I found, now dubbed the 'Jungle Boulder'. Below is a quick topo I drew up on paint.

To find this cool wall, walk up the tourist track past Trackside. When you get to the Butchers Choice Boulder, continue along the track for approx. 100m. When you get to a small boulder in the middle of the path with a yellow triangle painted, look left. You should be able to see the back side of the boulder, which is a big slab. I've also built a little cairn here and a little path.

Conga Fury V8, sit starts with left hand low on arete and right on a rad crimpy pinch in the face. Hug and slap your way to the top!

Liza Machete V7, starts low, right hand on big high edge and left hand in slopey seam. Pounce to the pocket and topout left.

Steak Knife V1, stand starts in pocket and traverses the lip to a funky rollover manouver.

Inca Steppa, V9, starts low with obvious left hand edge and small right edge. Gastons, sidepulls, and front stepping is the dish served up here.

Above: Me almost exploding my brain on an attempt at Inca Steppa V9 (Photo: Tim Nelson)

So, whats next? Well I'm booked out with other stuff for the next few weeks, so it will just be a whole lot of training. Uni assigments are coming thick and fast too, so I better get them sorted. And its just hit spring! So time to put the pad under the bed and get the rope out for some routes! The hype is still up on Punks. Rowan knocked it off the other day, so psyche has built again. Had a crack at Bossanova on Afterglow wall too. Man it felt good to be doing a lot of moves in a row again, and getting some air time lol.

I think thats it. I can't find my phone which has some more photos on it. When I do I will upload them. Now though, its back to studying organic chemistry nomenclature for tomorrows test......


25 August 2011

The Burnley Revolution

Hello there happy crushers. I hope your Thursday is treating you well. I thought I would share a little story with you. Enjoy...

A few years ago, I was training down at the Burnley Bouldering wall quite a bit. Having been involved in the initial development and route setting I was always a big fan of the setup and thought it provided a great, free and easily accessible training venue for Melbourne climbers. Unfortunately, after a few years of heavy use, the wall, and the holds, were starting to deteriorate. Climbing on some holds in particular was akin to climbing on polished glass. Speaking about a very popular route on the beach in Thailand called The Lion King, a friend of mine once exclaimed "I felt like a 400 pound gorilla on ice skates" after time and time again slipping of the polished footholds. In it's current state, Burnley was starting to have a similar feel.

The final straw for me came with a bone jarring fall flat onto my back after slipping of two of the biggest jugs you have seen since Pamela Anderson hit our screens on Baywatch back in the 90's. A meeting was set up with the VCC to talk about the future of the wall and how it could be improved. The main objective of the meeting was to discuss how to get the holds cleaned and new routes put up. Unfortunately, for whatever reason, this was deemed "Impossible". We were told it would take weeks and a large amount of money to achieve what we were asking for, and in no uncertain terms that the wall would remain as it was, forever.

As you can imagine, this was extremely frustrating for those who had worked hard to set up this great facility. Why build a modern climbing wall, if you don't plan to ever re-set the problems???

Driving to the Grampians on a Friday night with my good mate Timmy Le, we got talking about the situation at Burnley. Timmy had played a major part in getting the wall up and running, organising all the steel, preparing design drawings and doing the welding. He was even more frustrated than I was. Out of the blue, Timmy said "I still have keys to wall you know?!" At that I moment, I distinctly remember looking at his face; I could see the cogs in his brain turning and I knew what he was thinking, because I was thinking the same thing. A wry smile came over his face and I knew what he was going to say before the words left his mouth... "Stealth Mission"

We started talking about how we could sneak in and re-set a single wall under the radar. What tools would we need? How many people would we need to help? What if we get caught? A dozen or so phone calls later and we had another eight or so eager participants in what had by this stage been dubbed 'Team Action Direct', Vive La Revolution!

The following Saturday, under the cover of darkness our team of mercenaries arrived at the Burnley wall at 5am. We had the 45 degree wall stripped by 7:30am. Using a borrowed trailer and about $15 at the local carwash, we had the holds cleaned by 9:30 and the wall fully reset by mid afternoon proving to "the man" that he was wrong. An entire wall, stripped, cleaned and new problems set in a day, organised in less than a week and at a cost of around $15. Personally I spent another $15 on coffee that day but that's a different story.

Afterwards, my good friend Kent "The Red Duck" Paterson (I use that term loosely), wrote a humorous little story regarding our exploits on Chockstone that I thought would be worth posting here.

I must say that i am mighty concerned about these developments.

As a regular user of this facility, i was unaware of the disruption this "unscheduled route setting" would cause. My good friends Yuji and Francois travelled all the way from southern France to sample this great wall. It has quite a reputation on the international circuit.

Anyhow, we had just started to commence our 36 move warm up circuit on Saturday morning, when we were confronted by 5 hooded individuals at approximately 5:30am. I introduced myself, to try and ease the tension. One balaclava adorned individual parted ways from the pack to greet me. His steely glare hidden by a rather feminine set of spectacles.

I greeted him in a most friendly manner.

"Bonjour gentlemen"

He sneered back at me.

"What are you looking at mate ?!"

ĂŹ responded,

"We are trying to train for Beijing 2012, but your problems... they are very... shall i say, easy"

Grinding his teeth and raising his voice.

"Well, this ain't Paris mate and I sure ain't going to take cheek from a mofo such as yourself. It's time to rack off frogies, we are going to mess some s#it up".

Francois and i were in shock. We had never experienced this type of behavior on the streets of Paris before, nor heard such crude language in a public arena. Francois was so upset at this point that he decided to cancel the circuit and leave immediately.

"ĂŤ will not put up wit zis behavior". He then proceeded to walk to Victoria street, to eat croissants and escargots.

Yuji on the other hand grew up in downtown Tokyo, and he made it clear that he wasn't going to have a bar of this heavy handed behavior. He once told me that he worked in a gang as a youth. It's a legitimate career for wayward youths in those parts. He's division was in the procurement and sale of drift-cars to overseas clients. If there was one thing that Yuji learnt from this brief stint, was to never let your guard down. Ever.

My heart skipped a beat. Yuji had just fallen off the circuit. 33 moves out of 36. He knew that this spelled the end of the day, and possibly the impending European circuit in two weeks time. To say that he was unhappy was a massive understatement.

Yuji rose from the ground pointing at a yellow uncarved block hold.

"Yis hold, i am zure it moved".

He was right. It seemed that all the holds were now moving. The holds were being removed from inside the wall. Yugi was furious that his session had been rudely disrupted and he would no longer be in peak condition for future events. He bolted to the back of the wall. And removed his toothbrush. Or what seemed to be tootbrush, it actually doubled as a flick blade.

*Crash... bang*

He charged the offenders but was soon overpowered. His ninga like reflexes were no match for four trained thugs awaiting him, allen-keys in hand. The flick knife dropped to the ground as Yuji began his retreat. Jumping into the Yarra, he began doggy paddling across the river leaving me alone at the scene.

I jumped to the flick knife, knowing that it was my only chance to get out of this hell hole alive. However, like a scene out of a lifesaver competition, i was beaten to the prize by a more athletic competitor. His decidedly small hands were quick. I knew that wrestling with him would prove fruitless, as allen key bandits were still on the loose. I quickly rolled onto my feet. Months of parkour training in London had made me as nimble as a quail and ready for such a situation.

I dashed from the scene. Before i could escape i felt a distinct tug on my jeans.

Close my friend but no cigar, i thought. As i heard him crash into the concrete path.

As i looked back on the scene i saw the common thug laughing in delight. He had captured our only guide to the area. Like confetti at a wedding, the PDF was ripped up and thrown into the Yarra, as the thugs screamed in unison.

"Viva la revolution!!"

24 August 2011

Testing out the new board

YouTube Video

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:Sunbury sessions

23 August 2011

The great woody of the west, up and ready for a pull!

Me almost up the wall in 2 moves hahaha

Philby hustling his way up the problems.

4th day on, and poor Al's tips aren't too happy..... (artwork care of Alicia Neville)

The woody is finally up and running at my place. Tonight we popped it's cherry. I can foresee many hours spent out here in the coming months.


A taste of Spring

We have been fortunate enough to be treated to a taste of some amazing Spring weather the past few days, with perfect climbing conditions on offer. I hope you have all been making the most of it and getting out on the rock! Days like these make it even harder to be at work than normal.

The big news of the weekend was Horsham lad Graeme Dick making use of the primo conditions by sending Ethiopa (30). A fantastic effort especially considering he climbed the whole route 2-3 times before sending only to fall just shy of the top in the final roof crack. The original "Gaylord Norman" has been in fine form of late dispatching Tourniquet (30), Final Departure (27) and a swag of other classics out at the mount. Clearly, living in "the sham" does have it's perks!!

Alby has had a ripping few days in the Gramps and been a busy little beaver putting up new problems and scrubbing new lines. I'm sure he will be posting an update soon with some pictures, but at the rate he's going, he will probably need to update the already out of date bouldering guide as well. :)

Personally, I had a ripper of a weekend out at the mount with my lovely wife. We spent two days climbing classic after classic up at Central Gully LS. Highlights of the weekend were Pebbles (22), Straw Dogs (22), Squeakeasy (22) and Horoscope (24). I think I had forgotten how good Arapiles was, so many classic at all grades. Squeakeasy in particular has got to be one of the best (and hardest) 22's going around. I would love to get out to the mount more often, but I always find it hard to drive past the Gramps.

By now, every man and his dog has heard that we have a few visiting Rock stars in the Gramps. Dave Graham and Nalle Hukateiavelailell have been sampling the delights of our backyard. No news yet on sends, projects or new lines, but I'm hopeful that they can leave their mark on the place by dispatching a few of the amazing open projects on offer, both on the blocs and of course the wall - Taipan.

New things and old things in The Grampians

Ok so quick update while I'm sitting here at uni. The last couple of weeks has seen a flurry of activity around the boulders out Gramps way. I found a new wall near trackside, doing a sweet fridge lifter arĂŞte called 'Conga Fury' which I think might be about V8. Theres a hard looking crimpy project next to it that i tried briefly and will return to next week. Also nabbed the 2nd ascent of Ravens 'The Oyster' V8 after a very thorough brushing of the pressout at the top earlier that day.

Scotty 'sparky' Clarke continued the charge of the 'new fathers club' knocking off 'Butthole Surfer' V9/10 and 'Amniotic World' V9 in a quick trip out with his son Euan and the Trapperzoid. Philby almost did 'Body Eater' V8 too that day.

This weekend just gone I got out to Legoland where I added another problem called 'Starstruck' which was pretty fierce. Named in honor of the 20+ people up at Hollow Mountain Cave that day, gave that one V9. Also tried a new bulgy number to the left to no avail. Will be back for that one soon :)

Also managed to get out to Burnside for a morning with the ginger ninja and his pal Kade(?? Sorry bro terrible with names) where him and I both did the 10 out there, as well as adding some rad warm up problems in the cave go the right.

Anyway, I have the next 3-4 days here in Melbourne then it's back out to the blocs for about a week thanks to mid semester uni holidays. WOOOO SPRING BREAK!!!

-TheBigAl (via his iPhone. Geek!!)

15 August 2011

Gorges du Tarn - 2011

I had always wanted to go climbing in Europe, France in particular. As it is for many, Ceuse was the destination of choice. A world famous crag of immaculate streaked limestone in a majestic setting, what more could you ask for? A plan was hatched to set off on a 5 week trip starting in mid June 2011. This coincided nicely with my wife Alicia heading off to the good old US of A for a month of swinging & debauchery with a few girlfriends.

I had heard from quite a few people that Ceuse can be a very busy crag, especially in high season, and the more I researched the more I started to worry. I love climbing for many reasons, meeting new and interesting people being one of them, but as your mother always used to say “Everything in moderation”. I wanted to go on a climbing holiday, somewhere amazing, somewhere new but also somewhere I could relax, enjoy the climbing and not worry too much about anything else. I wanted to be able to try any route which took my fancy and go for a red-point when I felt ready, not when it was my turn. Finally after re-reading the Pleb’s epic trip report (http://captainsofcrushaustralia.blogspot.com/2009/09/second-best-cliff-in-world.html), I began to realise that perhaps Ceuse wasn’t what I was looking for this trip.

One cold weekend away in the Grampians with Grosey, we got talking about his euro-crusher tour of 2006. He had spent a month in the Gorges du Tarn during his trip and raved about the place, it's setting and giant 50 meter pitches of limestone pumping up imposing, and often run out walls. The next few days found me trawling the internet for as much information as I could find on the tarn. It didn’t take long for me to realise that this was a world class crag, and after looking at countless images and reading a few articles on the place, I was sold. How was this place not already on my radar? A little bit more searching revealed that within 20 minutes drive of the tarn, lay the Gorges de la Jonte and Gorges de la Dourbie, both of which have hosted Petzl Roctrip's in the past, so there would be no shortage of great climbing to be had.

Gorges du Tarn guide, climber on Les ailes du desir (8a/29) on the cover. One of the best routes ive done.

Paulie on the train to Montpellier

I still had one problem though... No climbing partners. Luckily that problem lasted about as long as fat Nick Sutter swearing off ice-cream. One mention of a climbing trip to France to my friends Pat & Mel had them hooked. Shortly after, Pablo the Italian greyhound joined the team, and last but not least, one of my best mates Chris threw his hat in the ring. The team was assembled, plans were made and I continued to scour the internet like a deranged porn fiend looking for videos, photos and any beta I could find. The result of all this “preparation” was that by the time I finally arrived in the tarn, I was able to navigate seamlessly through the guidebook and between crags, name all the classic routes at all grades and generally make myself look like a sad sack with no life to the rest of the team. The other problem with this approach is that you end up with a hit list containing 300-400 routes, clearly a difficult task to achieve in just over 4 weeks.

D-Day: After escaping Melbourne airport by the skin of our teeth (the airport was closed for a few days an hour after we flew due to a volcanic ash cloud), it was simply a matter of a lazy 22 hour flight, 4 hour train ride and 2 hour drive before we arrived in the tarn. Driving down the valley into Millau the first thing you notice is the vast amount of rock in the region. We gawked at crag after crag of gorgeous limestone scattered across the valley only to find out later that there was little to no climbing on any of it as it was all too far from the car. The French, and euro’s in general, are so spoilt for choice when it comes to quality climbing!

We stayed at the lovely Camping-Beldoire in the quaint little village of Les Vignes. If you’re climbing in the tarn, Les Vignes is probably best place to stay. Its close enough that you can walk to the climbing if you wish, has a small supermarket, couple of little coffee shops and most importantly a ‘depot de pain’, which is a bakery and not the local BDSM venue as we initially thought.

The view from our pad

The first few days was spent getting a feel for the rock, working out when everything was in the sun/shade, trying to find an open supermarket and drinking quite a few beers. At 12 euro a slab, it seemed a crime to not knock back a few cold ones at the end of a days’ climbing. We visited a number of fun crags including Club House, La Muse, Tressor du Zebra and de que fas aqui in the first few days. There was loads of variety with corners, thin faces and of course steep pocket pulling on offer. Highlights from the first few days were the 35m Jeux de page (6a/19), Tressor du Zebra (7a/23), a soaring traverse that would be perhaps the best 7a in the tarn closely followed by Les coluilles au cul (7a/23) an amazingly long and delicate technical corner and face. Chris, Pat and I got our boulder going on a short little 8a/29 at sector La muse called tu me dezolve, while Pablo opened up an account on the short and sharp 3615 Biceps (7b/25).

The view!!

Pat on Tressor du Zebra (7a/23), a stunning line!

Chris tu me dezolve (8a/29)

Most of the crags in the tarn get morning sun, and start to come into the shade in the early arvo. This suited me to a tee. Anyone who’s climbed with me will know I’m not exactly a morning person. In fact, on a trip to Thailand in 2006 I was dubbed “Captain Snooze”. Thus a typical day in the tarn for Chris, Pablo and I went something like this... Get up about 9:30am, gorge ourselves on coffee, Master Crumble, baguette and generally laze about. Come 2pm or so we would head off to the crag and climb till roughly 9:30pm. Head back to the cabin, cook diner, drink beer, watch family guy or the mighty boosh for an hour or so then pass out.

On the other hand, Pat seemed to find the best conditions of the day were early mornings in the blazing sun (He is from WA after all) and took a particular liking to the impressive and ever popular de que fas aqui sector. Even though he hadn’t climbed for a few months prior to the trip, he found form quickly and managed to knock over a host of classics including Moulas Fritas (8a/29), ???? (7c+/28) and a host of onsights in the 7a-7b+ range.

After the first few days, confidence was growing and we started to scope out a few of the harder things on offer in the area. An evening at the very steep Gullich sector saw us knock over a fantastic little 7c/27 called action discrete, which ended up being one of the highlights of the trip for me. Not because it was an amazing 5 star classic, but for the fact that I managed to send in near complete darkness whilst wearing a head torch. More impressive though was Pat sending it as a warmup before breakfast the next morning. Over at Moulin Ă  huile was a beautiful scalloped scoop of small pockets involving an intricate series of cross throughs called Auver gniaque (7c+). This little beauty went down 4th burn for me and Pat, while Chris pulled out all stops to flash the thing. It was fantastic to watch, though his comment of “There’s a new sheriff in town boys” whilst lowering off the route was a little concerning.

In the meantime we started to notice something strange occurring in amongst the ranks. It seemed that about 4pm every day Pablo would get this glazed look about him followed by 2-3 hours sitting by the pool drinking beer and eating potato chips. We never caught him in the act, but there was no doubting the fact that he must have been sneaking of into the bushes for a few sneaky cones. Of course, he flatly denied it, but I’m sure this was simply because he didn’t want to share. He took a particular liking to our rest day activates which included kayaking down the tarn river, visiting the beach at Montpellier, shopping at Decathlon (The Bunning’s warehouse of outdoor stores) and smashing out the French pastries like nobody’s business. “Pan of chocolate anyone?”
Edit: As it turns out Pablo had just found out he was going to be a dad!! So in hindsight I can understand this strange behavior. Congrats Pablo and Col-train!!

Tennessee Wall: The wall we came to Europe for.
We were fast running out of excuses not to get on this amazing 50 odd meter high wall. We had scoped it out during the first few days, and I think we would be lying if we said we weren’t a little intimated. Back home in Oz, we don’t really have anything to prepare you for this type of climbing. Our longest single pitch routes (Serpentine for example) are typically broken up by ledges, knee bars, hand jams etc but not here... Here you had to deal with 50+m of pocketed limestone offering no respite from the lactic acid till the anchors were reached. To add to the fun, the higher you got on the wall, the further apart the bolts would get. One look at this classic photo from the guide of a climber way out above the bolt was enough to keep us away for the first week or so.

Climber on Les Nouvelles Plantations du Christ (8a/29)

Interestingly enough, the sheriff had decided that I was up for first crack at the famous Les Nouvelles Plantations du Christ (8a/29). He’s such a nice guy. The line follows a nice easy corner to start before breaking right onto a thin face with lots of small pockets and crimps broken up by a few jugs. The position on the wall is spectacular and the climbing is only just to the left of the beautiful and world famous arĂŞte of Tennessee (8b/31). First lap up went as expected; a low fall off the first crux and a little bit of dogging had me to the half way anchors 35m up (7c+/28 to this point). I surprised myself by sending part 1 on my 3rd burn. Strangely unsatisfied though, I knew I had to go to the top. A slightly scary first lap on the top part and I’d sorted the moves, but the question grinding at me and keeping me awake at night... “How hard will that last grade 22 mantle move feel after 50 meters of climbing?” Thankfully, it felt pretty straight forward and Chris and I managed to send full 55m pitch on a fantastic summers evening a few days later. I was pretty stoked as this was one of the routes I really wanted to do while here, and it had gone down with relative ease.

Me sending Les Nouvelles Plantations du Christ (8a/29)

Me sending Les Nouvelles Plantations du Christ (8a/29)

Chris lowering off Les Nouvelles Plantations du Christ (8a/29)

We spent the next few days doing a bunch of classics in the 6c-7b range. The tarn really shines in these grades, with classic after classic popping its head up. At the Grand Twat (Toit), Naissance and Produit Daubant (7b/25) were both fantastic. The Canyon sector offered the technical and pumpy Tot ou’ tarn (7b), and up at L’amphi, La veuve noir (7b/25) and Jour de doye (7a+/24) were both incredible 35 meter pitches of intricate face climbing and probably a couple of the highlights of the trip for me. At de que fas aqui there was the super techy and intimidating C100 francs (6c+), the long and thought provoking Self Control (7a) and the amazing corners and laybacks of Fariente (7a).

Back up at Tennessee it was time to try Les Ailes du desir (8a/29), another famous route on this amazing wall. The English translation is ‘the wings of desire’, and I couldn’t think of a more appropriate route name. Pumped out of your mind miles above your last draw, you have to fully commit to the crux sequence or risk a huge fall. It’s completely safe of course; the wall is so steep you just end up hanging in space, but for some reason that doesn’t make it any less exciting. The route can be broken into two sections. It’s (7b+/26) to the halfway anchor, and I was quite keen to have a crack on onsighting the first part. I had managed to avoid seeing anyone on the route over the first few weeks and set off up the funky start. After a delicate stemming section you traverse rightwards on some huge buckets before pulling into a few little boulder problems. I kept on pushing through and before I knew it I was at the first anchors. I had a brief moment of celebration in my mind as I had just onsighted my hardest pitch of climbing, but I was still on the wall. Shaking out and looking up at the imposing wall above, I figured, “I’m here now, I want to do the whole route, I may as well have a crack!” After recovering as much as I could (which wasn’t much) I ventured out onto the exposed face and tried to climb as smoothly as possible. After 3 more bolts of climbing I was about 40m up with only another 15 or so to go. I started to think, I might actually onsight this whole thing... Clearly delusional, I moved up to a good positive pinch and could see that the next sequence was going to be tough. Huge move out right, then about 6 stupidly small hand movements gained me another 6 inches of height. I was boxed, so pumped, but kept pushing and made a big throw to what looked to be a large pocket... It wasn’t. I was off, but super psyched to have given it a good crack. Turns out I had fallen of the start of the crux sequence which was seriously cool. From a pair of shotgun pockets you cross up with your left hand to a shallow 2 finger underling, work the feet up and bust out right to a mono. Feet up again and pounce to a good edge with the right hand, then technical grade 24ish climbing to the top after that. Chris made a valiant flash attempt, getting well into the crux sequence before pump got the better of him. In keeping with the symmetry of the trip so far, we both sent on another perfect French summers evening, before retreating back to camp for a swim, celebratory pizzas’ and Ice-cream.

Nice place for a dip when the weather was warm

With only a few days to go, I was relaxed and happy to go with the flow. I had done the two routes I came to Europe for, two amazing long pitches, famous routes on a fantastic wall. I couldn’t have been happier. We did some super fun routes up at Le Trone and Shaddocks, or was it shamrocks, I can’t remember? Pablo managed to drag himself away from his bong long enough to cruise his project at La Muse, 3615 Biceps, in process ticking his first 7b/25. He finished of the trip nicely by climbing the super steep Body Building (7a+/24) about six times. A huge improvement for the lad, I can only imagine what he could achieve if he just laid of the cones.
On our last day I managed to punt of the very last move while attempting to onsight Le plasir qui demonte (7c/27) and then completely loose my shit when I fell in the same spot on the second burn. Thankfully, I managed to bag the route 3rd shot for my last route of trip and super nice way to leave the tarn. The sheriff of course showed me what I punter I am by flashing the thing.

So there you have it, Gorges du Tarn. There is so much I have left out of this little trip report, so many amazing routes that didn’t get a mention and a heap of fond memories that will stay with me always. We had the place almost to ourselves and the weather was primo. Coupled with the fact that the scenery is some of the most beautiful you will ever see, I would highly recommend it to anyone keen to sample the delights of French limestone. I hope one day I can go back as we only just scraped the surface of this majestic place.

We heard on the grapevine whilst overseas that the Ceuse campground was chock full and there was roughly 300 people staying in the carpark... Glad we gave that one a miss. 
Till next time.

09 August 2011

H-taping... Way of the future

A nice little instructional video.

07 August 2011

H-Taping: The way of the FUTURE!

You heard it folks! The H-Tape method is the dogs balls of finger taping now. After tearing into the side of my fingers pulling on steep pocket on Saturday, the H-Taping method was put to full use. "What is this mythical method of which you speak of Al?" I hear you ask. Well younglings, I too would have asked the same thing nor but 24 hours ago, had it not been for the O Wise ones advice shared at the door of a log cabin. "You're still making no sense Al! As usual!" you continue. Well ok, time to fess up. Pulling into the Mt Zero log cabins last night with "Mr Gifted" himself Chris Trapnell, I spot the ever excitable Steve Pollard with family. Amongst discussion of the days activites, we got onto the topic of finger injuries. He told me about this secret method of taping the finger after an injury, allowing one to continue climbing, that he had learnt at the worlds snarliest finger raping crag, the Frankenjura. Anyway, this method, I decided would come in handy for the purposes of flapper prevention for the next day on the mean pockets at Between the Sheeps. This mind blowing new beta allowed for super skin protection, while still allowing full range of motion. And it worked! At least for the fingers I taped up......

Left: Can't make an omlette without breaking a few
eggs..... Carnage from "Bombshell V7"

So the tape helped in keeping my skin together on the 3 finger pockets. Not so helpfull on the pinky-jug-hand-torque-flapperoo moves though.... Fortunatly this little mishap occured at the end of the session, leaving just the drive home to cope with.

I will begin from the start, just in case some of you are a bit lost with my narrative. Friday night began the drive with my old pal Trappers. It had been too long between climbs for us, so I was pretty excited to be climbing with him once more. This dude always give it everything he has. He doesn't know when to quit. Just keeps pushing and pushing, as the skin rips and the blood flows, till complete physical exhaustion. All capped off with a smile of enjoyment. He just loves climbing. Its great motivation climbing with Chris, and this weekend was no exception. Even as we pulled into the log cabins at Mt Zero, raining and cold, we were psyched for a good weekend of bouldering.

A lazy start of coffee, eggs on toast and a climbing movie lead to a break in the weather and our chance at a climb. We decided that Between the Sheeps would be a neat place given its a cave, and rain is afraid of caves.

Right: Chris all rugged up, starting the expedition out to Between The Sheeps.

We were not let down by a caves fear of getting wet either. Whilst everything on the hike up was totally saturated, everything in the cave was climbable, with just one small section of the wall running with water, but crazily missing all the holds!

After both warming up, we got started on Between the Sheeps, V6. I managed to flash this jumpy number, with Chris coming close as well, but getting a bit stumped on the weird spinny inside out second last move. So we tried Remains of the Sheep, V6. Both Chris and I flashed this one too. Pretty stoked, we tried a link-up into this problem called Bombshell, V7. This adds quite a tough start into the problem which took a little bit to work out, but soon it was sorted. But I was a bit of a silly chap and fell on the last move of the problem hahaha. A few more tired attempts and I called it a day.

Left: Me on a long pocket move on Bombshell.

Trappers started trying a rad lowball problem called Family Loss, V6 next. Too low for my lankyness, Chris put his gift of huge shoulders and massive biceps to work, coming very close to sending this tough little peanut. So, both pretty tired and beyond our best, we took off for an explore of the area. We spied some rad new projects to be done, including a terrifying highball for me (pictured right). I was conviced it was a letdown, because had it not been so short, it would have been worthy of some bolts. Trappers really had the vision, pointing out that the flat landing, great rock, and fact that I was being a little girl, meant it was a totally awesome highball, to which I hesitantly agreed. We also stumbled upon a huge awesome orange wall, maybe 30 meters high. It seems however that someone had beat us too it. Its a crag called The Plaza Strip, and is pretty fucking cool! Looking forward to coming back out here come spring and doing some of these routes, along with maybe having a sticky beak at some new lines :)

Anyway, after a good nights rest in a warm log cabin, watching the footy and another climbing movie by the fire, Chris and I were back up to Between the Sheeps to finish our problems. I knocked off Bombshell quick enough, leading to the carnage that began this blog update. Like a Quentin Tarantino movie, my chronological order is a bit messed up, but a good story none the less. Chris came agonisingly close to doing Family Loss, staring at the jug at the end just before expoding off. With skin and bodies trashed, we packed up for an early getaway back to Melbourne. I'm pretty excited to get back there soon to try When We Were Kings, V11 again. I think the last time I tried it was almost 2 years ago, and a lot of no climbing has happened between then and now. Confident all my personal troubles are behind me, I'm pretty excited to be out with mates climbing and loving it again, even when I fail miserably!

Whats most exciting though is a new outlook I have on climbing. It's now not so much about making climbing my whole life, or trying to do the things with a big number on it for the bragging rights, but about climbing the things that push me personally, physically and mentally, and having a blast doing so, whether I succeed or fail. Don't get me wrong, I still want to climb hard stuff as the years go on, but I'm looking outside the normal for things that inspire me to keep training lots, and trying so hard I think I'm gonna either faint or spew. Having had to relegate climbing to the background in order to address some of the curly situations life can put put in your way, I have come to the conclusion that I love climbing for what it is and who I do it with. Like sex! :D

Climbing is a big part of my life. But when it is taken away for what ever reason, one must be prepared to let it go. I had made climbing my whole life, but there came a point where injury and lifestyle choices had made climbing impossible, and I really struggled to cope with the idea of giving it up. That is until I realised what it was about climbing that I loved to much. The weekend away with mates, the dirty jokes at the crag, the bloody knuckles, the terrifying falls, the bush, driving too fast along the dirt roads, drifing through muddy corners, and enjoying being alive and happy.

Airy-fairy spiritually enlightening speech over....

I've also been scoping out a lot of the projects in the bouldering guide book, and see so much potential hard climbing to be done. Some still beyond me, but some not so. Just a couple of months ago I took the Raven up to project I had checked out, which he did and I almost did. He called it "The Oyster" and it came in at around V8. The top still needs a good scrubbing, but it is an absolute classic coming out a 45 degree wall. Its Project #51 in the guide at Trackside. Go check it out folks! but maybe wait a few weeks so I got time to go back there and scub the top up good and proper (and nab the 2nd ascent lol). There is so much still to be climbed around the place, and I'm pretty excited to get out there and either try them myself, or show anyone who is keen and motivated for 3 star FA's. Anyone? Anyone? Beuller? Every time I head to the Grampians, I find myself adding more to my mental list of rad new lines to climb. I think I could be climbing at this place for the rest of my life!

Chris on Family Loss.

Me on Bombshell.

Me trudging up the long walk in.

Chris enjoying a nice cup of coffee and the morning news. Log cabins are the way to go in Winter!

So, apparently it was meant to rain all weekend.......

The home woody, finished and awaiting holds!

That is all. Peace y'all!
