13 September 2009

Ultra Sounds Good Right?

Right...well....its been a couple of weeks since I've posted anything so thought I'd just fill you in about what's been going on.

First up. Al's 24th Birthday Weekend. We headed up to The Mount, looking for sun, good trad-routes and girls....we found most of what we were looking for. It had been more than a year since I had climbed at Arapiles. The time before that being cut short due to a silly mistake at the anchors resulting in fall 15-18 meters to the deck in June '08. This time turned out to be more fun, although it was still a in the face. Araps can be unforgiving when you've been climbing in a gym or the Grampians for the past 6 months. Technique - well its hard to avoid the need for it, although I did manage to find a sequence for the top of The Great Escape 28 that completely avoids all kneebars! Hahahaha. This particular weekend was also the final round of the local football season, and like all finales it required a dress up party in Natimuk. As random as it was, it tuned out to be a rather fun night catching up with old mates, and making new ones. Of course, no night at Nati can be complete without some fat, ugly blokes dressing in drag. Here are some of Omar's (Slowpoke Rodridquez) photos of the night.

Fast-Forward a couple of weeks. Ol' Phil has done it again, crippled himself attempting some crazy sorta drop knee in the gym. Hopefully not too bad or too long on the side lines, cause he was looking strong and keen. Come to think of it, he does seem to get cut down in his prime like some sort of pine tree destined for Ikea a lot....maybe its all a ruse to avoid actually doing something.

Alby, Slowpoke and I headed out for some bouldering last weekend. It was fun, like climbing should be. Saturday was spent up at Iskra wall, where after pulling off a hold the size of Arnie's ego and destroying Philby's classic Compression Session - V7, I had a play on my new project. This is a direct up an orange streak in the middle of Iskra face, and its going to be wicked. After a couple of shots, both Al and I managed to do all but one move in the crux sequence - from there on should be straight forward pumping up some wicked flakes. It is the epitome of a 'technically burly' route, requiring flexible hips and minging fingers. Saturday night called for a session at campground boulders. Lit up by the Landcruisers headlights, Slowpoke got his mexican arse up Race-Eater V8, while Alby ran a quick lap on Happy Camper Traverse V9. I also got my heavy frame of the ground for an acsent of HCT in just a few shot. Sunday however was a different story. Bit of Anderson's action followed by some lame attempts at Gripmaster, all over shadowed by an increasing pain in my lateral epicondyles (tennis elbow), and flu like symptoms. Needless to say I needed to rest.

This would have to be one of the only times I can remember actually being active about taking a rest when the initial stages of fatigue and injury are setting in. The past has seen my take on a typical bogan attitude, often making things worse (see post re. pulley 2 months ago). Anyway, I didn't train all week, stretched, did some exercise for my elbows. I also borrowed an ultra sound therapy machine from Slowpoke. I have always been sceptical about this sorta thing and I am yet to be fully convinced. I had a quick session at the Lactic Factory yesterday without a flare up, so fingers crossed I can work up to full training again in the next 2 weeks.

I guess thats all until Al gets back tonight with some updates from this weekend.

Oh wait.....this is supposed to be Barry the Board's job.....but anthonyk has been awarded the 'Douchebag of the Month' Award for September.

This guy used the Chockstone forum to bag out a retailer for giving him advice about climbing shoes. Dude, you stuffed up, you took advice (completely optional) that was in my experience correct - Katanas stretch to the point of blowing out - and just because you ain't happy with YOUR decision you bitch and moan about. Get over it, sell the shoes and move on.....or start your own blog like us, cause then only the people who care about what you have to say will read about it.

For those who missed it....


Peace Out

- Grosey

1 comment:

  1. Those Ultrasound machines are awesome. Helped my RSI heaps. Good to hear you boys are actually cranking. Miss ya.
