Firstly, Grosey is into his last week of a month long bouldering fiasco in Rocklands South Africa. No word as yet on any thing climbed. But thats probably because he's spent more time drinking, dancing, dressing up as Katy Perry and generally doing Australian culture proud.
Philby has just returned from a whirlwind 5 week tour of France, ticking up a storm including sends of Les Ailes Du Deair, Les Nouvelles Plantations du Christ and Tu Me Dezolve all weighing in at 29/8a. Nice one bruvva! A few pretty piccies will find their way up on here shortly I'm sure.
A'Hah was breifly back down in M'Town, hanging with her Bluies crew in the boulder in Grampians. I never got to catch up with the lass, as I was busy face down in Chemistry text books and making clear solutions turn red and lumpy. But it seems she flew the coup having bagged X-treme Cool V8, Happy Camper Traverse V9, and Butthole Surfer V9/10. Not bad for a chick. She also walked away with 3rd place in the Nationals held over the weekend at Bayside Rock.
Right: Phil on To Hate To Love V8
So where does this leave me??? Well, I've built a frame for my free standing woody. Just waiting on T-nuts and bolts just ordered now from Uncarved Block. Building me a symmetry/systems/45 degree power trainer! Uni is back in action, but I did get away with 'ole Philby this weekend just gone to Gramps for some of the best conditions of the year! Saturday I was still a wee bit drunk/hungover from old mate Trappers dirty 30 birthday drinks Friday night. WhilstI fell off everything I tried, Phil theme-parked the shit of To Hate To Love V8 sending it packing Disney style. The next day I got up on One Bed To The Left, 27 after eyeing it off for about 4 years. It was not to be however, as I shook AND sooked my way up to the last moves before bailing, a wee bit terrified lol. I blame it on the hangover!! Phil got re-aquainted with his Mt Zero Project, and I ran around counting the $$$ on bolts I'm going to spend equipping a whole lot of new, short, hard, steep, power routes :D :D :D
Well thats it really. Not much more from me. Gonna chance the forcasted rain for a boulder weekend with Trappers this coming weekend. I have the last week of August off uni, so maybe start training some more in preperation for my projects.
Later ya'all
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