30 May 2009

Murphey's Law

Well I think it was Murphey Brown, that suit pants wearing blonde chick who's on Boston Legal now, who said that shit always goes wrong at the worst possible time. Or something like that.....anyway I've got two weeks off from the end of my exams to the start of my clinical placements. Fuck yeah I said to Steven, the rat that lives under my floor boards, I'm outta here. But as luck may have it, Tuesday night at the Lactic Factory ended with a bizzare feeling in my right middle finger. First thought it was the joint, you know the feeling when it needs to be cracked, but by the morning it had swollen a little and was very tender around the A2 pulley region. Sigh....what to do for a couple of weeks instead of climbing. This has been a shit year for injuries, I should start getting used to something going wrong. However bad luck and adversity (all beit not much in this particular case) are what make our pleasures and achievements all the more special. So the plan is to rest for a week, then rehab on some V12's and V13's. It worked to Dai right? Or maybe I'll join Ben, who's in town with brother Lee on tuesday, in some forearm hypertrophy training, and get massive.

Other News: "Fat" Nick Sutter, has again proved that the renaissance man is not a myth. Recently ticking Daniel O'Tiger 30, now with broken early hold (courtesy visting WA shortman), Who's a Naughty Boy 31, and his own Bikini Revenge 31/32 at Muline. Chris Ticknor and Sam Morley have also ticked their first 30 with a plucking of Demon Flower. Nice One Lads!!

- Grosey

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